Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 We must do more than Remember we must React

Today marks a day that will go down in infamy similar to Pearl Harbor’s attack on our freedom. It is always astonishing the great lengths some individual’s will go to destroy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However what is more of a revelation is the great length Americans went to become cohesive with their fellow Americans after this tragedy overwhelmed us. On September 11, 2001 what many called terrorist were responsible for destroying the twin towers; which stood as a monument to American ingenuity and strength. This barbaric act of misguided hatred caused many to lose their lives that day. Much was lost including fathers, husbands, wives, daughters, parents, children and etc. Not to mention the infrastructural damage done to American soil.
However on a flight called United 93 something was born from the tragedy and that was a sense of cohesiveness. It was a united effort by brave Americans to prevent “terrorists” from destroying further government buildings which would have certainly furthered the progression of terror. These brave souls put their differences aside in order to protect “America”. There was not one American that day, month, or even years to follow that didn’t believe in a spirit of united patriotism. So the biggest question I have is why we can’t do the same thing now. Would the people we were ten years ago really approve of all the senseless debating and quarrelling that is going on in congress and the senate. Would we approve of the high school presidential races we have become accustom to. Would Rick Perry make statements like Social Security is a Ponzi scheme during 9/11/2001? Would the countless references to Obama care really be enough to persuade voters or would we demand more from our leader’s democrat, republican, or independent. We must do more than remember, we must react.

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