Thursday, October 1, 2015


I'm not a confirmed theologian and often I ponder upon the same truths of God's word as you may. I'm often caught in the cycle of  putting parables, scriptures and thoughts through constant digestion over and over again. But sometimes the smallest inklings of revelation can drop upon the canvas of your mind. My disclaimer; this is not an anti-theoretical, empirical attempt at a conclusive truth.  But isn't it interesting that Jesus and Jonah were both on a boat sleeping through a storm? When Jonah was awaken to help with the storm he ultimately could only get peace by being swallowed by the circumstances where as Jesus spoke and commanded the circumstances to stop. Now at the very simplest interpretation it seems very important who you run to during your storms. I mean it wasn't as if during Jonah's experiences the shipmates weren't praying to their various Gods. However during the disciples experience, God happened to be right there with them.