Thursday, May 31, 2012


I leave this post blank in order for you to fill it with your action...

Friday, May 25, 2012


Is it possible to truly believe in a concept? Believe in the concept or belief to the point that you define it as being one of the pillars of your being. Have that belief so intertwined in your social DNA that you define yourself by it. Could it be that one could define themselves as one thing yet not encompass it wholly? And if so to what percentage does one have to resemble a belief in order to be considered a follower of it. In theological terms I suppose this question is part of the lifelong sin discussion. In philosophical terms I guess this is one variable of a theoretical life question. No matter what means may bring a person to the following conclusion. It is a conclusion that must be sought out. The conclusion or inquiry being; am I who I say I am? Do I truly resemble with my actions what I say I do? If actions were mere representations that came out of our mouth then we would speak into existence our very lives. Or do we? If what we say is a direct reflection of what we think and a man becomes what he thinks then do we literary create who we are? Is our outer being a direct reflection of who we are internally? And if so can one really be one thing on the inside while doing something else externally. I contend that possibly you can do it but at great cost. To wage war requires an immense amount of resources. Whenever two ideas contradict to the point of being in opposition then those ideas are enemies. When enemies can no longer live in peace than a war is bound to happen. For one side to secure victory one side must gain power, leverage and influence over the other. But this power struggle does not happen without grave losses to both sides. Grave losses in energy and time; casualties of opportunities lost and wounds of time passed. No person can serve two masters; no man can be both a slave to his mind and others as well. No one can encompass the left and the right. At some point in life gray areas become black and white distinctions and a person must choose. What will you choose to be? To be or not to be is not the only questions. The question sometimes is what will become if you fail to be.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Never Quit

It is customary to start a blog off introducing an idea, theory or some paradigm as to make you the reader feel that the viewing of these words are somewhat worth it to you. I too as a reader would like the assurance that the things I peruse are of value to me. Why read if your not looking for something in return, thus making your moment of mental observation relevant and valuable. I know no more important notion to my mind right now than that of the obliteration of fear. Fear is crippling, fear is paralyzing, and fear is one of your worst enemies. Fear in fact is direct evil. Seeing the God gave us not a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. I feel that I could write a million excerpts on the subject title and still wonder what really allows it to grip such a strong part of our life. However I just will say this… It’s not over yet, but it is over when you quit.