About a month ago I wrote a poem for a friend of mine concerning domestic abuse. On this Friday I would like to encourage you to prevent these type of situations in life. If you know of anyone who is involved in a domestic abuse situation please help. If you do not know how to help call the local authorities, a friend, church or anyone you believe can help. This is also a direct link if your dealing with this kind of situation:
A Poem For Domestic Abuse
I love you, I really love you
The siren sings the melodies I composed for you
And the rhythm kept with the beat of my belt
Lets you feel the pain that I have never felt
The cymbals in your brain are simply migraines
And my chorus of profanity plays over and over again for you mentally
This song is for you, I wrote it all for you
You’re my perfect painting, brushstrokes of black and blue
I framed you my mural with scars that are plural
So unique a picture that you won’t allow anyone to see
This artwork I created is just for the eyes of me
Baby, nightmares can be dreams it just depends in what you believe
Love is in my words don’t pay attention to actions you receive
For I am priceless your attention worthless
And if my sins you confess my heart you’ll see less
So the violent song repeated, the cymbals continued to clash
And his love beat a rhythm on the chest of the one lonely guest,
so not only did they were long sleeves, They now invested in a vest
And as the frame became stronger, outlined in scars that were longer
They considered themselves blessed by the talented violent artist
Sometimes their tears were expressions of the pain that was in them
So they felt in sync with the artist who struck so many chords on them
Till they went to the funeral of one of the hearts that he claimed
It was silent because the cymbals no longer banged in their brain
The sirens didn’t play and the picture in the frame
Was in lack of color as if they used water colors to paint in the rain
But through the silence the quiet body spoke words that made the live painting quiver
He doesn’t love you, his love only brings your death quicker
The lyrics of the truth was words that the violent artist could not deliver
And they realized though the silent poetic delivery
That true love doesn’t describe you with imagery through profanity
Beautiful paintings never hurt and blood never washes the pain away
Love is only a word if your lover chooses to act this way
You must realize the beauty in everything that you are
Whether scared or abused, mistreated or confused
You are worth more than the actions of those who abuse
Remember you are not broken you are simply bruised
Find strength in the love of the ones who care for you
Live life because God’s son freely gave his life for you